Organisation Structure

The day to day affair of the office is being manned from the only State level office of the Chief Inspector of Boilers and Factories which is as follows:

  1. Chief Inspector of Boilers and Factories
  2. Senior Inspector of Boilers and Factories
  3. Two Inspectors of Boilers and Factories
  4. Certifying Surgeon
  5. Statistical Assistant
  6. Three Upper Division Assistants
  7. Three Lower Division Assistants
  8. One LDA-cum-Typist
  9. One Typist
  10. Two Drivers
  11. Two Grade IV


Secretariat Level:

The Administrative Department of the Inspectorate of Boilers and Factories is Department of Labour, Employment & Skill Development, Government of Meghalaya.

Inspectorate Level:

The Chief Inspector of Boilers and Factories is the head of the office and function from headquarter only as there is no district office elsewhere in the state.